Submission Guidelines
Abstract Information
Important Dates
Online Abstract Submission System Open:
November 27, 2023
Deadline for Abstract Submission:
February 23, 2024 Extended to march 15, 2024
Notification of Acceptance:
April 26, 2024
General Policy
All abstracts must be fill in through the on-line Abstract Submission System.
- Before fill the blank spaces in the Online system, kindly create an IAOP 2024 online system account for further process. The user of this account will be recognized as the presenting author of each submitted abstract.
- Complete the abstract submission form at On-line abstract submission system, and you will be given detailed instructions on how to proceed.
- An indication of the preferred presentation type (Oral Presentation or Poster Presentation) is required. Please note that there are only limited oral presentations available. The scientific committee will make the final decision and will allocate your abstract to one of the two presentation methods.
- Please, select checkboxes that match the main area of your abstract (Investigation, Clinical case, and Case series)
- Please, select checkboxes that match the section of your abstract (Oral medicine, Oral pathology)
- All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Program Committee of the IAOP 2024, and the results will be announced by emailing a notice of acceptance/rejection to presenting authors.
- The decision of the scientific committee is final.
- The first author of the accepted abstracts is required to register.
- The number of abstracts for each submitter (i.e. presenting author) is limited to ONE.
- The same abstract cannot be submitted for consideration in different abstract categories.
- The presenting author must make the registration payment no later than the Early-Bird Registration Deadline (January 27th) to ensure the rights for the presentation.
- Acknowledgement of the receipt of abstract submission will be sent to the Presenting Author’s email address immediately upon submission. The Presenting Author will receive all correspondence regarding the abstract status, presentation type, date, and time, via the email that is provided in the abstract submission.
- Abstracts must be original and have not been published or presented at any congress before the IAPO 2024. The accepted abstracts will be published in the Journal of Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, and Oral Radiology.
- Select if your abstract may participate for the Presidents Prize award
Abstract Guidelines
- Oral Presentations
The time limit of the oral presentation is 12 minutes with an additional 3 minutes for open discussion.
Kindly ensure your presentation fits within the assigned time.
- Printed Poster Presentations
- Poster presentations will be held in the allocated areas, and the first author of the poster is required to stand by their posters to present and discuss their findings with interested attendees at allocated times.
Instructions for Preparing Abstracts
Please read the following instructions carefully before preparing your abstract. To ensure that the Abstract Submission System
will work properly, the pop-up blocker of your internet browser needs to be turned off and cookies should be enabled. Abstract
authors should not split data to create several abstracts from one data set. If splitting is deemed to have occurred, scores of
related abstracts may be reduced or abstracts simply rejected.
- The Title of the Abstract:
Be clear, and indicates the content of your abstract.
CAPITALIZE each characts and should be in BOLD
NO full stop (or period) at the end and NO underlining:
Cryogun cryotherapy for oral leukoplakia. (incorrect)
- The Authors of the Abstract:
Use superscript letters to indicate each affiliation.
The Presenting Author should be placed in the front as the first author and should be underlined.
Give the Names and Initials of each co-author.
Affiliation and Country of each author are required to be indicated in brackets, eg. (School of Dentistry, Autonomous University of Baja California, Tijuana, México).
- The Body of the Abstract:
A maximum of 250 words is allowed.
Font: Times New Roman, Size: 11
An acceptable structure of an investigation abstract must consist of Background, Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions.
For case reports other appropriate subtitles may be used.
Suggested subtitles consist of Background, Case Report, Discussion and Conclusion.
- Abstracts should not contain proprietary or confidential information.
- The signing author certifies that any work with human or animal subjects related in this abstract complies with the guiding principles for experimental procedures as set forth in the Declaration of Helsinki and related publications.
- Submitting an abstract also certifies that at the time of submission, the scientific material found within the abstract has not been presented at any other meeting and will not be published in other than abstract form prior to the IAOP 2024.
- The author confirms sole responsibility for the following: study conception and design, data collection, analysis and interpretation of results, and abstract preparation.
- Failure to adhere to these rules will result in the automatic rejection of the abstract.
- Revision of the abstract by the Scientific Committee may be required, if it needs significant changes, the notification will be sent once the review result is confirmed by the program committees.
* Before Submitting, please prepare your abstract strictly according to the Abstract Guidelines. If abstracts received do not meet the specification, the Scientific Program Committee reserves the right to reject the submission.
* For those who have difficulty in accessing the on-line abstract submission system, please contact the IAOP 2024 scientific committee at